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Winter Tips for Cedar Roofs


If you have a cedar roof, you probably love the way it makes your home look. You can help ensure your cedar roof continues to complement your home by preparing your roof for the winter and inclement weather. Check out our tips for caring for your cedar roof in the winter.

Benefits of Cedar Roofs

Cedar roofs look beautiful on any home, and they have more benefits than just their appearance. Your cedar roof has many qualities that make it ready for the winter months, including: 

  • Resistance to the elements. Cedar has natural preservatives that make it immune to UV rays and moisture. It's ready to handle any amount of snow you receive during the wintertime.

  • Durability. As one of the world's strongest woods, cedar makes an excellent roofing material. It's resistant to humidity, making it unlikely that shakes will crack or break.

  • Stability. Since cedar has a low density, it doesn't shrink and expand with humidity changes. Shakes will lie flat and stay tightly fastened.

  • Insulating. Cedar works as a natural insulator, so your heat will stay inside your home during the colder months.

Prepping Your Wood Roof for the Winter

While cedar roofs have excellent durability, you must care for them properly to reap all the benefits. Before winter hits, you should go through a maintenance checklist to ensure your roof is ready for extreme weather, such as snow and hail. Make sure you: 

  • Clear debris. Clear the branches, leaves and other fragments from your roof and gutters. You need a clear space for melted snow to properly drain. This practice will prevent any leaking or water damage.

  • Check the attic ventilation. You may have installed attic ventilation in the past to prevent snow buildup on your roof. Make sure this ventilation is clear to promote good air circulation.

  • Inspect vents, decks and flashing. Vents and flashing direct water off your roof, making them crucial for the snowy season. Check to confirm these pieces are secure.

  • Examine cedar shingles and shakes. While cedar is strong, previous harsh winters may have damaged your shakes. Cracks and curling could lead to further damage during severe weather, so make sure you repair all shakes. 

Get an Inspection

Before the cold months roll in, get an inspection from a reliable roofing contractor. They can help you handle your maintenance checklist safely and set you up with repairs if you need them. Professional roofers will ensure you have the best drainage possible and can give you further tips for winter care. They may even recommend products for your cedar roof in the winter, such as a snow guard to prevent buildup. 

Contact a Wood Shingle or Shake Contractor

With all the incredible benefits of wooden roofs, they're an exceptional investment all year round. If you already have a cedar roof, tend to it regularly to keep it in good shape. If you're interested in a custom wood roof, contact the team at Custom Shingles for a free estimate. We'll give you a stunning artisan roof that's built to last.