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The Difference Between White and Red Cedar Shingles

White and red cedar are both softwoods, and Indigenous people in the U.S. and Canada have used both trees for centuries. However, that's where the similarities between white and red cedar end. The similarly-named woods create shingles you can use on your home, but you should understand the merits and differences of each before you decide which to purchase.

How to Tell the Difference Between Eastern White Cedar and Western Red Cedar Shingles

Knowing the properties of red and white cedar shingles can help you differentiate between them. Red cedar shingles come from western red cedar grown in the Northwest, including British Columbia and Oregon. The tree thrives in cool, wet environments and can grow to gigantic heights. Meanwhile, Eastern white cedar grows in eastern Canada and the United States, and it reaches heights only about a quarter of its red counterpart. However, these much smaller trees display impressive durability.

You can tell the two types of shingles apart when you know their properties. The differences include: 

  • Durability: Red cedar shingles exhibit greater durability than white cedar ones, which are more susceptible to cracks and splits during installation. Red cedar shingles need less maintenance, and they resist moisture more effectively, which leads to less rot.

  • Sustainability: Another area where red and white cedars differ is eco-friendliness. Red cedar shingles demonstrate greater energy efficiency than white, reflecting the red cedar's better suitability to insulation. Because white cedar shingles are less durable, they can deteriorate faster and demand repairs more often than red. Still, both will keep your home safe no matter the weather conditions.

Can You Use White Cedar Shingles on a Roof?

You can use white cedar shingles on a roof. While you will enjoy different advantages from using white instead of red, ultimately, both materials make sturdy shingles that will last many years and look attractive on your home or business. 

Get more information about Custom Shingles' specialty roofing materials, including white cedar vs. red cedar siding. Fill out our online contact form or call (877) 323-3553 today!