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Wallaba Vs. Cedar Shingles

Wallaba shingles charm with their durability and striking deep red color. Cedar shingles are also durable, and this versatile option has a uniform texture and warm aroma that many love. But which wood shingle will work for your roof? By comparing the differences between wallaba and cedar shingles, you can find a suitable solution that elevates your home. 

Differences Between Wallaba And Cedar Shingles

Comparing the cost, durability and visual appeal of the different wood types can help you get a better idea of which material will suit your needs.


Your budget is a vital element to consider when comparing cedar shingles vs. wallaba shingles. With current Spring 2024 pricing, both Cedar and Wallaba are very similar in price. 


A wallaba roofing system can often last for longer than 50 years. Shingles made from this material offer high corrosive resistance and are some of the longest-lasting options on the market. The oil resin and high gum content in this wood repel insects and fight decay. Wallaba shingles work well in humid areas and resist hurricane conditions. 

Cedar shingles can last up to 30 or more years with regular maintenance. These shingles are not likely to warp or shrink even after years of exposure to the elements, and the wood is largely resistant to moss growth.

Visual Appeal

Wallaba shingles provide an eye-catching, rich red color and mature into silvery shingles. The silver color is beautiful and useful, reflecting UV rays and helping buildings keep cool.

There are various types of cedar shingles that differ in color. Western red cedar offers a golden yellow or brown color, and lighter cedar options like eastern white cedar allow you to stain the wood to achieve your desired look. Cedar wood is also easy to work with, offering more design flexibility by allowing artisans to shape it however you want. 

Which Option Is Right For You? 

You can make an informed choice about which type of wood works for you by considering your budget, the weather conditions in your area and the look you wish to achieve. Browse the wallaba shingle projects and cedar shingle projects Custom Shingles has completed to see how each option is beautiful in its own way. To find out more about the characteristics of these two types of wood, contact our team online or request a free quote for bespoke roofing.